Sunday, June 16, 2013

Eminence skin care

I'm back here today to talk about some skin care uh... for those of you that are mailed subscribers of my neck i think i might have one sicker talker uh... this might be a good idea for you uh... for valentine's day for uh... for a partner or you can use a products yourself because i'm sure they help mail skin as well as female skin uh... Haley said it was going to do a lot of beauty staff but i guess right now uh... practice counseling that is amazing for uh... my skin and my stress in my skin which we need to do a lot of appear in Canada in the winter so Anne actors want to tell you about it can i haven't seen a lot into the videos and it's about uh...

Eminence skin care and seen maybe one or two people and then I've hardly ever seen anybody talk about it and it is amazing stuff and it's just done amazing stuff for Miami skin cell uh... just to tell you a little bit about it it's all organic uh... there's no caravans there's no chemicals napping every it's made in Hungary and everything that it goes in here is actually grown there they grow it themselves so he did the products that they could be any don't have chemicals on them and they controlled that and um... and it's not tested on animals so allied its uh... not uh... distributed by uh... major store sit's you can find it he inspires hits a spa product and uh... however there is a place that's not what they do that now on my neck on in Canada that i get it that the prices are basically i found that the prices are the same despises as online cell and one of the things uh... i he noticed is that come with my thyroid my skin destroyer and with um... my twenties and thirties of of doing too much tanning i started to get uh... some darker spots pigmentation on my skin and and wanted to get rid of that so i'd use to of data and use that for a while.

I didn't notice that that made a big difference in late may be in you know it was nice and soft on my skin but and it was you know somewhat hydrating but i'd notice a difference in the darkness of the dark spots and so my sister-in-law had sent me com and eminence uh... starter kit sort of odd uh... the try pride in their products and they had different ones depending on your skin tight and asked you used Elvis and then see what you like it to you by tomorrow cant or you can buy just another smaller smaller one if you want so uh... hijacked found out date appear against in there uh... kneecap and other skin care products can affect the endocrine system and they can uh... clients have it with on my thyroid levels so uh... i decided that i was gonna start switching everything unused over to slowly as i as i need to replenish uh... my makeup and my skin care especially missing skincare into curving free cell uh... i started using that product and i was using debated training at the same time but then over Christmas highway activists at my brother and sister in law and height had a uh... and its financial at the start there were two types of products and it was amazing it had been put in the facial they put uh... Hungarian paprika which made your skin like a really really warm like hot leading like me to read your burning or anything but hot tea break release ail toxins in everything from your pores and free days might case was afterwards like mike faces just amazing for days like that just seem to uh... cleanse his soul outside i haven't had skin like that since since are very keen on time so i was blown away by a anti purchase duh...

I was followed at that time i a beta and i decided that that wasn't going back to it and sell i'd purchased com some products from them and might not be uh... term skin Connie cleanser and the firm's skin kite moisturizer and what ted i'd use a cleanser twice a day and i use this moisture eyes are the firm skin act night and i use and still using one of those smaller ones from my uh... starter kit p inter cut with what's your answer which is it to set pretty standard moisturizer by it's got pregnancy and it may be the eighties that under my makeup in this one itself you get the soul with it it's a little hollowed out so you can add water to it if you want to in detail because the is incredibly that's not get a follow-up care uh... decision to attend the camera that's and that's how much i'll use in one go this tiny little amount tunes you can get this year this little tiny amount see that i put that there there there there the four spots and little bit under there that's all i have to use and uh... you can add water to active because none of their products contain water if you notice your other output uh... uh... body and face in skin care products probably the first thing it says is that it contains water if they don't lose it all out this is not diluted this is cell an you can tell you that yourself all their products or you can use of a good sign is that like this at nighttime and com uh... and act and the cleanser artistic with the cleanser i just put and made for survived the sitting up and then put justice Mosley home out cleanser on my face to cleanse it so um...

One of the things i did it right along with that is com it's called a Karen poppy seed Michael Kim culture and this is the rebuild sample sizes and it's teeny and you look at it and you think that uh... oh nothing's bike maybe one use I've gotten to and i'm going to get a third out of this at all now here and i loved it so much I've bought the larger size of it nineties yesterday i had expired in might area where i live open and they had uh... twenty percent off so that's what i got yesterday is and use it was a week and if just leave your skin flows smoothly you'll be amazed app honesty difference between uh...

In three weeks abusing the cleanser and the militia riser I've noticed a difference in my skin and i noticed an incredible lightning in the dark areas uh... that pigmentation on my skin it's almost now when i say to people all i have uh... dark pigmentation on my skin they look at  i'm back here today to talk about some skin care and the kit that i first had and i'd loved everyone of them what and they can't see it hardly unless i pointed out to them which is really great so uh... but i'd also dead ordered online from us by boutique and it's uh... where you can order online in Canada and if you buy a sixty dollars for the products they have all sorts of other products makeup and hair everything then you but they also they carry the following it in minutes you might get free shipping with sixty dollars purchased so i thought the uh...

Stone crop serum which is to help with breaking of the skin and uh... hydration enlightening and it's high potency you can mix he could add water into this if you want it you can add it into your moisturizer or you could put it on uh... put it on full onto your skin couple times a day and do it too uh... morning in it and uh... and i just started that so i'll see how that goes i'm sure he's going to work amazingly on my skin i'm using number there other at different uh... cleansers and my sense is all in samples and and the kit that i first had and i'd loved everyone of them.

Via YouTube